101 On Supply Chain Management
Supply chain management is a process to manage and anticipate supply chain activities to maximize customer experience and achieving a sustainable competitive edge a the same time.
…Supply chain management is a process to manage and anticipate supply chain activities to maximize customer experience and achieving a sustainable competitive edge a the same time.
…The type of company/party that is essential to a business. There are different types of suppliers existed with their own capabilities, matched well with different types of business available in the market. …
The advantages of letter of credit for both buyer and seller makes it one of most payment method used for transaction. Here’s why. …
Currently there are different types of letter of credit used, depending on the situation or interest. Not surprising since it’s one of the most popular type of payment used in both domestic and international transaction. …
Choosing the right Incoterms suitable for your business is certainly takes a significant part of your export/import business. Deciding the wrong one can be a hassle and certainly losses that can simply be avoided with thorough research and finding it’s compatibility with your business model. …